If a potential client were to stop by your business website, would they be able to see a professional business image of you on your about me page? Whether that’s a yes (but it’s ten years old) or no, it’s time to make your northern Minnesota business stand out with a professional image of you!
What kind of business image is on your website?
Is it a professional image (although a little outdated) or a mediocre cell phone snap, or maybe you don’t have one? Now, I know cell phones can take a good pictures sometimes, but, does it LOOK like a cell phone image?
If you are trying to sell your amazing product or service to a potential client, many will want to know whom they are doing business with. Maybe you have an about me page, but it just lists a few sentences about your company history (not that it’s unimportant by any means), but there’s no image of you, or even the team of people that kick ass behind the scenes? Why not?

I wanted to highlight this beautiful young woman, Linsey, whom recently came to me for some professional images. I asked her “why” she was getting some professional images of herself.
This is what she told me.
“This was my first time investing in professional headshots! Previous to this, I had been using selfies when asked for bio photos. I realized as my career continued to advance, my professional presence needed an upgrade as well. LeAnn provided an amazing experience and truly captured who I am in my photos!”
What’s holding you up?
Could you be thinking one of the following? I don’t like picture’s of myself, I’m 20 pounds overweight, I have too many wrinkles, I don’t know what to wear, etc. I get it! In fact, I hear this stuff all of the time from my clients. I have been in the business of posing people for over 13 years and have heard it all. Honestly, listening to my clients and knowing what hold up they have allows me to understand and pay particular attention to successfully create images they finally LOVE.
How do want to be seen?
Warm and inviting of course! 😉 As your photographer I will get to know you and together we will design a session to match your personality. Is your business style more conducive to a traditional studio headshot, or do want to be a little more playful in your images, maybe something outside in our beautiful northern Minnesota playground? Do you have a kick butt work space with great lighting? I bet you’d look amazing it!
How to dress for your body shape.
I have a fantastic resource for you, which is different than a basic guide telling you not to wear pinstripes. The guide addresses “How To Dress For Your Body Shape”, which can make the biggest difference in how you FEEL and LOOK. If you feel a little overweight, wearing the wrong thing might be making that issue worse. Learn how to dress for your body shape, it might be the answer you are looking for. Sorry guys, this is just for the ladies.

Hi, I’m LeAnn, that’s me over there. ;). I’m a portrait photographer who’s been in business since 2008 located just outside of Walker Minnesota in Akeley. I offer both Studio Portraits & On-Location Portrait Photography.
If you are ready to step it up a notch and get some professional fresh new images of yourself, I’d LOVE to chat!