Now that summer is “unofficially here”, it’s time to check off a few important tasks from your never ending list, including scheduling your child for their high school senior pictures. Gulp…. right? Have you been searching in the Northern Minnesota area for a photographer? If so, I’d love to chat!
What does your ideal portrait session look like?
Do you want creative stunning images? Maybe a wall print or two? Possibly a sparkly leather album? Perhaps some digital options so your graduate can share them on social media? Sound good? Sweet!!! I offer the latest and coolest products available, including video slideshows with live video clips filmed during the session. Really, what other photographer have you come across that offers that?
If you want to know more about the Live Video Slideshow Product that is available, click on my previous blog post below. Live Video Slideshows are only exclusively available for Senior Portrait Sessions.

Hey there!
I’m LeAnn, the Photographer and Owner of Studio 64 Photography.
I’m located in the Walker, Minnesota (Leech Lake area) and offer Studio, Outdoors & On-Location portrait sessions.
What’s my photography style?
Technically I have two styles for high school senior portraits, but you get to choose which style fits you, or try both.
- Natural Style – Poses are not forced, your senior’s personality truly shines with this style. They are allowed to fully be themselves and show their goofy or serious side or whatever side it is they want to show.

- Fashion Inspired – Got a model on your hands? This style is more for those that LOVE fashion and want their images to look like they are the cover of Vogue. Style is mostly created in the Studio with Fashion lighting, be sure to include Studio for this one.

What will your senior portrait session be like?
FUN!!!! It’s hard to explain how fun it will be here, but I’ve even had high school senior guys absolutely DREADING it, only to go home and tell their moms how much dang fun they had! YAY!
Senior portrait sessions with Studio 64 Photography are DESIGNED for your senior and their individual style. Images will be created using a unique variety ranging from natural light and fashion-inspired studio lighting and posing. Your graduating senior’s true personality will shine because this session is all about them!
All Senior Portrait Experience’s Include:
(3 Sessions to Choose From)
- Personalized Phone Consultation
- What To Wear Guide for High School Senior Girls (Want a quick snippet of this exclusive guide? See below)
- Tips for a Successful Session
- Expert Photo Session
- In-Studio Viewing Appointment or a Private Online Gallery
- A range of 65-125 proofed images to choose from based on your session.
- Hands-on guidance selecting customized products to fit your needs including Canvas Prints, Leather Albums, Digital Options, Gift Prints, Image Slideshows, and so much more.
- Investment starts at $450
Grab a snippet out of the “What to Wear Guide”

This guide has been designed for ALL High School Senior Girls. The full guide (36 pages) is available for all scheduled sessions.
The “free” snippet contains the section on. “How to Dress For Your Body Shape”.
By grabbing the “free” snippet, you will be signing up for our email list. The email list will keep you informed of all of the latest products, special offers, session updates, and free downloadable resources. You may opt out at any time.
Ready to Chat? Contact me NOW for the Full Senior Portrait Guide. I would LOVE to talk to you to start planning your session!