The amazing team from Pro-West & Associates contacted me once again to capture some new team business and headshot images this past summer. If you aren’t familiar with Pro-West & Associates, they provide GIS Services (location/mapping services) to businesses all over the nation, and have been in business for over 30 years.
Located in Walker, MN, Pro-West has such a unique business location situated just on the edge of town. When you drive into their property, you would think you are pulling into someone’s north country residence as it’s surrounded by trees, and is very private. The best part of their property is that it is the perfect location for on-location business portraits and convenient for them.
Every summer, the whole team comes together to meet and share their success stories. Employees are both local, and remotely based as far as Washington, DC, making this get together first meetings for many. Taking a quick break from their busy schedule, I swooped in and captured a few team and individual headshot images.