
Professional Hair/Makeup (The Beehive Salon)

June 1, 2013

Senior portrait season and Summer Weddings are upon us, and I thought hey, now is the perfect  time to make a professional suggestion on how to enhance your portraits!   These two very important times in your life are when you will be professionally photographed and you know you want to look your best!   Not to mention, but these portraits will be hanging on your walls, or displayed in an album for years and years to come.

Have you ever considered having your hair and/or makeup professionally done for your portraits?   I know there are a few of us, (minus myself) that are actually quite proficient in doing our own makeup, but understanding how applying your makeup for on camera can be a completely different game.

As photographers, our clients look to us to provide them with assistance in every step of the photographic process, from booking the session to the delivery of the final images. But what about the in-between?  Many clients ask, “What do I wear?”, and while that is a very important part of your portrait, often most clients don’t even consider how significant of an impact hair and makeup can add to their look.   Although I know it’s important to my clients, hair and makeup are often something the client doesn’t think of until the day of the session.

Now if you are like me, I can be a bit “picky” when it comes to my hair, and rightfully so, I’m a woman.  I know my hair better than the back of my hand.  I’m not saying that you HAVE to have both your hair and makeup done, but if you aren’t one of the proficient ones, I’m just strongly suggesting that you consider it, at least the makeup bit.

If you are wondering about the benefits and why to consider having your makeup professionally done,  keep reading.   A pro knows how to apply makeup for the camera, choosing eye, cheek, and lip colors that compliment your hair, eye, and skin tone.    A pro can select the right colors to make your features pop!   They are also able to apply your custom eye shadow palette appropriately based on your eye and brow shapes.

If you still aren’t convinced and worried that maybe having your makeup done will change your look, fret no more, check out the beautiful Mother/Daughter duo that I photographed after having their hair/makeup done.

I’m including their before photos just so you can see that the stylist, Jenny from The Beehive Salon (http://thebeehivebeauty.com/),  enhanced their beautiful features with the correct makeup.  The daughter chose to have both her hair and makeup done and her mother decided to just have professional makeup application.





Aren’t both ladies gorgeous?!!!  And see,  if you are worried about having your hair and makeup done, it’s not about changing your look, it’s about enhancing it for the camera.


If you are interested in professional hair/and or makeup for your portraits, call these beautiful ladies from The Beehive Salon in Walker, Minnesota, and tell them that LeAnn from Studio 64 sent you!     In fact, here is their website  http://thebeehivebeauty.com/


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