Clients tell me all of the time that they would love to capture their family portraits outdoors during our wintery snow months in Minnesota. Yet when winter comes, minds change back to waiting for the warm summer weather. I can’t say I don’t blame them. Admittedly winter isn’t for the faint of heart, especially if you have to stand outside without a coat on. If you get cold easily, like myself, a natural smile sometimes comes out as a “I’m freezing smile” instead. You know that look. LOL
However, sometimes significant events come up during the winter and not everything can wait until the warmer summer temps, like pregnancies. I was thrilled when this beautiful couple contacted me to do their maternity portraits outdoors this winter. Both of them being from Northern Minnesota, wanted to incorporate the beauty of where they live, and they weren’t going to let a little snow and cold stop them.
Although a bit chilly at -1 air temp, their portrait session went perfectly. I chose a picturesque area close to my studio in Akeley, Minnesota that had path lined with tall pine trees.
Enjoy some of their favorites from the day.

The key to winter portraits is working quickly and efficiently with quick breaks for warm ups. Next time you are thinking about winter portraits, you really should just do it. Besides, just imagine how unique and different your portraits will be. They will be some of the most memorable images of your lifetime.