It was so much fun working with this wonderful family, whom are also the owners of (check them out if you are in need of flags and flag parts). They just so happen to live about 1 mile down the road from me, which means I can technically call them my neighbors :). Their youngest daughter whom resides in Australia was back home for a brief visit so mom thought for no special reason other than they were all together, was a perfect excuse for some updated family portraits. After all they do have two of the cutest little grandchildren, so of course Grandma and Grandpa had to sneak in some portraits with them as well.
Once we were ready to go, a false rainstorm that consisted of about 10 rain sprinkles moved through. Which, whew.. close call there, but holy smokes that turned up the HUMIDITY factor. Thank goodness for a beautiful backyard with lots of trees and shade!
Here are just a few of the families favorite portraits of the day.