If you own a business and have a website, are you using stock photography? What about images of your employee’s? When I’m browsing websites, I love looking at the images, especially the “about us” page. I guess it’s in my nature :). However, I do cry a little inside when I see bad selfies, or cringe when I see names and no faces.
Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Brooklyn Center (Minneapolis metro area) to work with Climate Makers. Going through a website redesign, they knew it was the perfect opportunity to update their site with new images. The project required both on-location commercial images to highlight field work at client sites, and studio headshots of key employees.
Do you have the resources?
Most businesses, like Climate Makers, don’t have in-house resources to capture professional quality images, therefore hiring a professional photographer is paramount. No matter how many employees you have, it’s typically not feasible to coordinate employees leaving the site to travel all of the way to a studio. It definitely wouldn’t be cost conscious. The perfect solution is to have a professional photographer, such as Studio 64 travel to you.
Portable Studio
As in Climate Makers situation, part of the session was capturing studio headshots at their office using a portable studio.
The portable studio set-up can easily fit into your office space as we did in the image below.
Whether you have a small or large group of employees that need headshots, this option will provide you the best cost savings. On-location studio headshots allows minimal workflow disruption to your employees time thus allowing them to get back to work quickly.
On-Location Studio Headshots
Here are a few of the headshots that we captured for their project using the above set-up in their office.
Commercial Job-Site images
The other part of Climate Makers project required visiting two of their client job sites to capture commercial images of their field work. One of the locations was in a very dark boiler room with less than ideal lighting, and trust me, there’s not a cell phone in the world that can capture this. When you hire a professional photographer, like Studio 64, you can be sure your images will be professional and well lit.
If you are thinking it’s time for some new images for your business, please contact Studio 64 today for a quote.